
Kit Kat

At least once a month we head over to our favorite Japanese mega store in Edgewater, NJ., Mitsuwa, a Japanese specialty store with a food court and imported goods and groceries mostly from Japan. It's our go-to place for everything and anything Japanese. I've mentioned this place before in a previous post and vowed to do a separate blog post and I will do so this year.

One of the many reasons why I love coming to this store is the Kit Kats. They feature different flavors each month, but sometimes they go months without featuring any Kit Kats or have the same flavor so it's hit or miss never consistent. This month they carried vanilla bean Kit Kat. So far I have only been able to have the following flavors: vanilla bean, green tea, strawberry, and passion fruit.

Vanilla bean: I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was a little disappointed because the flavor tasted nothing like vanilla bean nor white chocolate. It tastes bland, but I knew I wasn't going to like every flavor, so this is definitely one that I probably won't buy so many bags of.

Green tea: oddly enough it tastes like green tea with a chalky after taste and very sweet. It is definitely one of my favorite all time flavors so far. It's definitely an acquired taste.

Strawberry:  there is a hint of strawberry flavor not overpowering at all, but I think I would've wanted a stronger flavor.

Passion fruit: it was a delightful surprise to bite into this Kit Kat. Passion fruit is one of those exotic flavors that is very strong and unique that it's hard not to miss. Just like the green tea flavor, this definitely is an acquired taste. Having grown up in Hawaii and drinking this everyday, I am quite familiar to pick up on the taste immediately.

I would love to go to Japan where they make these and import them from. I hear there are so many more flavors and blogs dedicated to reviewing each one such as this blog: Snacktaku Review. In this blog, they mention such unique flavors that seem like it should be illegal to create these flavors such as edamame soybean, brown sugar syrup and wasabi to name a few, but I want to try them all!

I came across this article yesterday in the LA Times about Kit Kat being one of the worlds most influential candy bars in the world. Click here for the article: Kit Kat and Chicken Dinner among most influential candy bars in the world.

Kit Kat: Website

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