
Georges Blanc

Happy New Year! A little late, but better late than never.

It's always a good day and sign when I come across a menu not in a restaurant, but in the trash. As I was headed to our storage in the basement, I passed by our trash bins and I occasionally rummage through it for discarded magazines and catalogs. I know, gross right? I spotted a sturdy Prada box then quickly turned my attention to what was below it. Lo and behold, a menu! I was excited beyond belief!

The menu is from a restaurant called Georges Blanc named after the chef. The food sections are in French only, but the history and bio on Georges Blanc is both in French and English. Upon visiting his website, I learned that he also has a small chain of hotels (some with a spa), an online gourmet shop, his own wines and a village you can stay at that has been in his family for generations. I'm glad that I stumbled upon this menu and learned a lot about his passion and enthusiasm for food and for life.

Vonnas, France, is located in Eastern France in the Rhone-Alpes region. The Wikipedia page barely has any info about the town, but did mention that the town has a world famous restaurant, George Blanc restaurant, with 3 Michelin stars, and in 2008 the population was around 2,681. The reviews on Trip Advisor were mixed. However, I would still love to go and have my own review.

Georges Blanc, Place du Marche
Vonnas, France
Georges Blanc

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