
Shanghai Restaurant - Funny Chinese Food Menu

One of my readers, Todd L., sent me a link about a world traveler who blogs about his adventures of traveling all over the world, but in a recent blog post, it wasn't about unusual customs he'd observed or scenic landscapes he'd seen nor interesting places he'd visited, but the menu of a restaurant during a night out in Shanghai.

I've mentioned Engrish before in my Chelsea Cottage post. It's a slang term for the misuse of the English language usually in written translation by mostly Asian countries. It's hysterical! I'm not trying to be mean or insensitive, but  I just can't help laughing every time I see Engrish.

Here are a few pictures of the menu that the blog writer posted.

Coconut juice with string bean slob? Yes, I'll take 2, please. Hang law speculation crispy gizzard?

Yes, I want food that will allow me to keep the baby! Hot and sour potatoes wire? No thanks.

Totally hysterical, right? I was laughing so hard! Thank you, Todd L., for sending me this link. For the complete blog post and the pictures of the funny menu, click here: Shanghai Restaurant - Funny Chinese Food Menu.


  1. A Chinese restaurant is interesting, and hope to get to the shop.

    1. Great informational blog you have. I went to China last month for the first time. It was amazing.
