
A Brief History of the Children's Menu

I came across an online article about what children used to eat before the standard children's menu of today. Since I collect restaurant menus of all sorts, it only makes sense that I blog about children's menus and come to think of it, I don't think I own any. I will have to change that. I mean, why would I? I have no kids and I'm an adult.

Apparently, children's menues haven't changed much since Prohibition. Food back then for children were carefully planned for the menu with the child's health in mind and earlier pediatricians wrote articles for parents and cooks advising them of what a child should and shouldn't eat. For example, children should not be given fresh fruit because it can give them diarrhea (can be fatal with small kids) or eat meat because it contains parasites. However, as time moves forward and thanks to the advance of science, medicine and technology, children can eat just about anything and everything these days.

The article suggests that restaurants need not craft a special menu for children, but serve them the same exact foods for adults but in smaller portions. I'm not sure if I completely agree with this idea.

Here is a closer look a children's menu past and present day from Disney. Apart from the dietary restrictions disclaimer and higher prices, not much as changed. If I was a child, I'd say, "forget the PB&J momma and dadda, gimme some bwaised short bwibs with wasabi flabored mash potatoes and ruffel fries!"

Read the complete article here: A Brief History of the Children's Menu

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