

There will be places where I wasn't able to collect the menu (yet), but I want to blog about it because the overall experience was notable and very special to me. Yardbird is one of those places. I also apologize in advance because this post is going to be somewhat lengthy because so much happened during this particular weekend that is worth writing about. Enjoy!

Earlier this year in February, I took a nice little (somewhat) warm and sunny vacation down to South Beach (SoBe), Fl., for Thao's Bachelorette Party with a few of her very close friends and her older sister. It was a nice respite from the cold weather we were having all winter long even if it was a bit damp, dreary and cool while we were in SoBe.

Before heading down to SoBe, I found out that the A1A Fort Lauderdale Marathon & Half Marathon was happening that same weekend. It seemed like a good idea at first (to run the half), but I wasn't quite sure how far/close it would be from SoBe and how the logistics would work out, but heck, when will I ever go back to Miami again, right? So I signed up and worried about all the crazy details later.

I arrived in SoBe a few days before the bachelorette party guests. I came with Mark and Dave, who stayed one night in SoBe then left for Cuba the next day. On the day of our arrival, I suggested lunch at Yardbird and even made reservations, but on our way to the restaurant it started to pour and we were getting soaked, so we turned back around to get umbrellas. We waited for the rain to let up, but it never did, so we decided to cancel Yardbird and have lunch at The Delano, where we were staying. Eh, it was alright and the service was bad. I was so bummed that we didn't get to go to Yardbird after reading the reviews of this restaurant. It is a must go place to dine when you come to SoBe. Oh well-another time, right?

So now come the crazy marathon details. First, I had to figure out how the hell I was getting to the Expo (Saturday) the day before the race to pick up my bib since there was no race day pick up (I hate that). Thank God a friend of mine just moved down to SoBe (literally that same day drove down from NYC) and was willing to take me. Thank you, Yaneth! It took us 45 minutes to get the the Expo. I became worried when we arrived at the Expo because a) I wasn't about to ask her to take me back to Fort Lauderdale at 5 AM; b) how the hell am I getting back here? and c) how am I getting back? I did some research and decided on taking a cab and called a company ahead of time to pick me up at 4:30 AM. I still had to figure out how I'm getting back to the hotel.

Thao and her guests arrive Sunday morning at 9 AM with the exception of a friend, Kristen, coming in from Cali arriving at 1 AM Sunday morning. Because she was coming in so early and since I was already here, Thao asked me if it was okay for her to stay with me until they arrived later that morning. I said, "of course!" However, I realized it would interrupt my pre-race sleep because I would have to wake up at 1 AM to let her in, fall back asleep and then wake up again around 3 AM, so I left the keys at the front desk so she could let herself in and my sleep would not be interrupted. Smart move.

The alarm goes off at 3 AM, I get ready, and head out the door at 4:30 AM. Right before I walked out the front door, Kristen wakes up and greets me then wishes me good luck while she's in bed. Super sweet-thanks, Kristen! I get to Fort Lauderdale a little after 5 AM and get ready to race at 6 AM. After crossing the finish line around 7:35 AM, I was able to receive my medal and post race food, spotted a cab across the street (thank God) and arrived back at the hotel by 8:30 AM in time to prepare for the rest of the bachelorette party guests to arrive at 9 AM. Whew! Definitely one of the most craziest running stories ever. Even sweeter, I PRd and qualified to run in the 'B' corral of the Chicago Marathon even though I didn't get in to the Chicago Marathon via lottery. Whatever! My results: 13.1 miles - 1:35:51 - 7:19.

Monday, the following day, I suggested lunch at Yardbird, and since no one knew much about it, they all kind of agreed. Because Yardbird typically works mostly with reservations and since we were a big group, we decided to get there right when it opened so they would take us. It worked, and somehow I knew I was going to like this restaurant even before having their food. And apparently, it became everyone's favorite too.

The staff and server was very professional. The ambience is laid back and the decor is charming. The kitchen is open and even the bathrooms are nice. I loved the table setting and the napkin rings. The menu, which I wasn't able to collect, was outstanding. I'm glad we were a large group as we were able to order the popular menu items and share.

The food was traditional southern cuisine. I've had southern food before, but not quite like this. To start, we ordered plates to share: chicken n' sweet potato dumplings (this was more of a soup with a poached egg on top), local Florida heirloom tomatoes and watermelon, house-cut fries with buttermilk dipping sauce and 'bacon salt', macaroni & cheese (torchio pasta baked in 5 artisanal cheeses and crispy herb top), cheesy corn grits and grilled corn with lightly fried hominy and crispy cornbread crumbles. We loved all of it.


While I can't recall everyone's entree, I can certainly recall mine: Llewellyn's fine fried chicken, and whoever you are Llewellyn, I love you! It came with a drumstick, wing and thigh piece, citrus pepper watermelon and house-made buttermilk biscuit. The meat was so juicy and so tender. The skin was crispy and smelled heavenly. Gosh, I'm drooling just thinking about it right now and wish I had another plate right in front of me. Someone else ordered the crunchy Yardbird sandwich with house-made bacon, which looked, and was divine.

Never come between Ironman and his fried chicken. Never!
For her final send off as a sweet and single superstar, we ordered Thao a dessert called 'grasshopper sundae', which was basically mint chocolate chip ice cream topped with whipped cream. The server was even nice enough to stick a candle in it. We killed it!

Yardbird: a must if you come to SoBe. A MUST!

Yardbird: 1600 Lenox Ave.
Miami Beach, Fl.

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