
Post-Race Meal

It's triathlon day. In a nutshell, let me lay out for you how my day looks one Sunday in July (sometimes in August) for the last four years I've been doing the triathlon.
  • Alarm goes off at 2 AM
  • Leave the house by 4 AM
  • Get to transition and finish preparing by 5:15 AM
  • Head up to swim by 6 AM
  • Jump in the Hudson River after 6 AM and swim 1500 meters for about 20-25 minutes
  • On the bike by 6:45 AM and ride for 25 miles for about 1 hour and a half
  • Run 6.2 miles at 8 AM and done in 50 minutes
  • Cross the Central Park finish line around 9 AM
  • Head back to transition to retrieve bike and rest of my belongings after 11 AM
  • Home by 11:45 AM
  • Crash by noon and wake up around 5 PM
Yup, for the last four years I have been doing just that. It's worth it though. This year was a personal record (PR) and I finished in 2:48:57. I also wanted to say a huge "MAHALO" and "THANK YOU" to all my friends that came out to support and cheer: Mark, David, Masako, Michelle and NYC.

4x NYC Triathlon Finisher
To celebrate, Mark made me another home cooked meal: pizza. Again, using the leftover dough from the ICE class, he made a thin crust pizza with red sauce, mozzarella and cheddar cheese and sprinkled it with seasonings. The dough I learned was sourdough and before he made it he kept saying, "you might not like this pizza," but OMG I loved it!

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