
United MileagePlus VIP NYC Marathon Pre-race Dinner with Meb

I love it when the stars align and the universe somehow fixes itself, or in our case, fixes us!

Earlier in 2016, we were both notified that we were accepted into the lottery for the Chicago Marathon in October. I was super excited because since switching to a lottery system in 2014 instead of first come first serve, I was rejected twice, so third time was a charm! We booked the hotel and airfare right away and began training faithfully in the summer. I was aiming to "Boston Qualify" (BQ). Long story short, Mark had to defer for personal reasons, but then at the last minute was able to run, but by that time it was too late.

The Chicago Marathon came and went, and sadly, I didn't BQ,  but I did set a new marathon personal record (PR). A few weeks after the marathon, we both get a call from United's MileagePlus program asking if we wanted to run the NYC Marathon through limited entry slots they had available. We weren't sure what to think at first because it sounded to good to be true. All we had to do was pay the race entry fee and since we lived in NYC, travel and lodging wasn't an issue, so that was pretty much it! After a little more research, we gladly signed up, and Mark was able to run after all.

In addition to paying the race entry fee, MileagePlus threw in a VIP pre-race dinner at Del Posto with special guest, Meb Keflezighi, Olympic medalist and winner of the NYC Marathon in 2009 and Boston Marathon in 2014. He provided us with some  words of inspiration and tips on having a good race. And if that wasn't enough, MileagePlus also had a VIP race day tent complete with private bathrooms, heaters and anything you can possibly eat and drink to fuel up before the big race. It truly was a VIP weekend experience.

Thank you United for such an incredible race weekend and we hope we get an invitation like this again in the future. Membership really does have its privileges!

Pictures of the Del Posto menu, food, Meb and other delights.

Del Posto, 85 10th Ave
Chelsea, NYC
MileagePlus United Pre-race Menu

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