
United Polaris Business Class Menu

The long awaited United Airlines Polaris business class service rolled out on December 1, 2016. In addition, the first ever Polaris business class lounge opened in Chicago. We were fortunate to be on board to try out the new service when we flew out of Newark to Los Angeles on Dec. 1,  and didn't even realize it was opening day until we got to our seats and we were greeted by new Saks Fifth Ave. blankets and a teddy bear. What a treat!

Later in the month, we flew to Europe for our annual European Christmas vacation. It's our 3rd year in a row now and I hope we keep this tradition. The Christmas markets, shopping, food, decorations and the holiday spirit of the people is what I love about it. Our first year we did Paris; London the following year, and  last year we went to Benelux. Where the heck is Benelux you ask? It's actually 3 different countries: BElgium, NEtherlands, LUXembourg. A few favorite pictures from each 3 countries.

While the planes with the new Polaris business class configuration are being worked on and tested, United started the service onboard ahead of the planes. We were able to get a preview on the flight from Newark to Brussels. Verdict? While the bedding, amenity kit and food is an upgrade, I would love to get the full experience from check-in, relaxing and dining at Polaris lounge to sitting in the new Polaris business class aircraft and touch down. For now, it was good to get a preview. 

United Airlines
Polaris Business Class Menu


Hello Kitty, The Laundromat, Norwegian Air, Quai 17, Air India

Sometimes when my friends and family travel near and afar, they look out for me and collect menus to add to my collection. While I support their menu collecting habits 110%, I always make sure to tell them to do so with caution and just make sure it's safe. I would so bail them out if they got into trouble, but it's best to avoid that situation.

And speaking of friends collecting menus for me, my really good friend Maria travels a lot and has also taken up an interest in collecting menus for me. She has for quite some time now. She's super awesome and loves to do it and most recently, has collected 4 menus on recent trips: Hello Kitty menu on Eva Air; The Laundromat Cafe in Reykjavik, Iceland; Norwegian Air on the way to Guadeloupe in the Caribbean; and Quai 17 in Saint-Francois, Guadeloupe.

God bless you, Maria. Thank you! Always.

Hello Kitty Menu

There is nothing too crazy on the menu. It didn't have a lot of vegetarian options, though. I wondered what business class would've offered, so I Googled and came across a blog that Mark follows regularly and this blogger captured a lot of what is offered in business class. Hello Kitty overload!

I'm not sure if Eva Air still operates Hello Kitty flights. I think so? I went on their website to double check but the info is kind of confusing to me, but it looks like they are introducing a new Sanrio character, Bad Badtz-Maru. I love this character and even have a wallet that is somewhat functional that I keep, but don't use. Now that is one flight I would consider taking just because.

Eva Air
Eva Air
The Laundromat Cafe Menu

According to their website, the cafe is part of a laundry mat and hopefully away from the food. They started in Copenhagen and have a total of 3 restaurants in Denmark and 1 in Iceland.  I suppose the idea seems meaningful and kitschy, but I'm not quite sure I would be going to a laundry mat to meet new friends and eat.

I'm shocked that NYC doesn't have many of these around. In fact, I Googled and only one laundry mat came up, The Wash House, but it closed in 2014. I'm guessing permits, licenses and space are the culprits because to obtain a food license in NYC is very difficult and most of these laundry mats are owned and operated by mom and pop, and I'm sure they don't have the time nor the money to deal with that. However, I did come across an interesting article where owners have gotten creative in transforming their laundry mats into unique and unusual public spaces: Six Unique Laundromats in NYC.

This menu is fabulous! Design-wise. I love the front cover of the menu for obvious reasons. I don't know what Icelandic cuisine is all about, but I imagine it would include a lot of fresh fish. Maria did mention that she ate whale for the first time. I don't know if I would be that adventurous. It was surprising not to see that much fish on this menu but they did have an extensive international tab beer selection. I suppose that's all that matters to some people. Skál! Cheers in Icelandic.

The Laundromat Cafe, Austurstraeti 9, 101
Reykjavik, Iceland
The Laundromat Cafe
Norwegian Air Menu

I was so sad when Maria gave me this menu because I was supposed to go with them on this trip. If you recall from last year, I had collected Norwegian Air's menu en route to Martinique with Maria and Becky. While there, we said that we would plan a trip yearly from that point on and the trip for this year had them flying back on Norwegian Air en route to Martinique's sister island of Guadeloupe.

The trip went well from what they told me and Guadeloupe is not that different from Martinique. Guadeloupe is larger, more lush and seemed to have more tourists but both have its own charm. I can't wait to visit Guadeloupe whenever that may be.

Norwegian Air
Norwegian Air
Quai 17 Menu

The entire menu is in French with no English translation (doesn't surprise me). There are some pictures to help guide you with your selection, but if all else fails, Google translate. The website is very helpful with pictures and pertinent info. Not much more to add except that I wish I went with them and Maria, many thanks for the collection of menus. Hope you also collected great memories.

Quai 17, 1 et 2 galeries de la Marina
97118 Saint-Francois, Guadeloupe
Quai 17
Air India Menu

The reason why I wasn't able to go to Guadeloupe was because Mark had to film another video in India for Trickle Up. Mark has filmed in rural parts of India before but this time around the filming took him all over India, which proved to be both taxing and challenging, especially when lugging around fragile and large filming equipment. He does it, though, and is always up for the challenge. He is a great director and always very respectable to the communities and the local people where he shoots. Very humbled by what he sees and the people he meets, he does all this work on his own time and own expense and delivers an outstanding product once the job is done. Way to go, Mark!

It was just a year ago when he traveled to Guatemala to shoot a video and collected a menu for me. This time around he wasn't able to collect a local restaurant menu but did collect the airline menu for me. Thanks, love!

The menu selection is sparse, but maybe it was a shorter flight. I probably would've been fine with veg pizza and water.

Air India
Air India


United MileagePlus VIP NYC Marathon Pre-race Dinner with Meb

I love it when the stars align and the universe somehow fixes itself, or in our case, fixes us!

Earlier in 2016, we were both notified that we were accepted into the lottery for the Chicago Marathon in October. I was super excited because since switching to a lottery system in 2014 instead of first come first serve, I was rejected twice, so third time was a charm! We booked the hotel and airfare right away and began training faithfully in the summer. I was aiming to "Boston Qualify" (BQ). Long story short, Mark had to defer for personal reasons, but then at the last minute was able to run, but by that time it was too late.

The Chicago Marathon came and went, and sadly, I didn't BQ,  but I did set a new marathon personal record (PR). A few weeks after the marathon, we both get a call from United's MileagePlus program asking if we wanted to run the NYC Marathon through limited entry slots they had available. We weren't sure what to think at first because it sounded to good to be true. All we had to do was pay the race entry fee and since we lived in NYC, travel and lodging wasn't an issue, so that was pretty much it! After a little more research, we gladly signed up, and Mark was able to run after all.

In addition to paying the race entry fee, MileagePlus threw in a VIP pre-race dinner at Del Posto with special guest, Meb Keflezighi, Olympic medalist and winner of the NYC Marathon in 2009 and Boston Marathon in 2014. He provided us with some  words of inspiration and tips on having a good race. And if that wasn't enough, MileagePlus also had a VIP race day tent complete with private bathrooms, heaters and anything you can possibly eat and drink to fuel up before the big race. It truly was a VIP weekend experience.

Thank you United for such an incredible race weekend and we hope we get an invitation like this again in the future. Membership really does have its privileges!

Pictures of the Del Posto menu, food, Meb and other delights.

Del Posto, 85 10th Ave
Chelsea, NYC
MileagePlus United Pre-race Menu