

Sugarfina is a boutique candy store located across the US and they create personalized bento boxes filled with an assortment of candies of your choosing. The candies are bite size, handmade and come from artisans all over the world using their finest ingredients.

The packaging is cute, fun and pretty. From their signature Tiffany colored baby blue box to eye popping candy colors and exotic flavors, I was very excited to try all the different flavors I received in my personalized "You're Awesome" 8-piece bento box. Everything is neatly arranged, sized, labeled and pleasing to the eye. They even threw in some sample candies and placed it in the middle of the box.

The unique candies in my bento box are: matcha green tea caramels, marshmallow s'mores, Tahitian vanilla caramels, peanut butter toffee, martini olive almonds, blood orange fruttini, pumpkin pie caramels, and key lime pie cookie bites. I recommend when eating these candies and trying a new flavor, eat your first one whole and chew on it to absorb and imagine the flavors of the ingredients. Your second taste, you should bite it in half and look in the middle of the other half to see hidden flavors and ingredients. It may take you by your third taste to fully appreciate the flavor.

Matcha green tea caramels (US): first off, they had me at green tea. I love how they infused the matcha green tea into the caramel. While the green tea taste is subtle, you can definitely taste the caramel as it's very sharp.

Marshmallow s'mores (US): I haven't had s'mores before to provide a comparison, but according to Sugarfina's description, a mini marshmallow drenched in milk chocolate then rolled in crushed graham cracker seems accurate. It's fun to see the mini, and I mean, very mini marshmallow inside when you bite it in half.

Tahitian vanilla caramels (US): the caramel flavor is not as sharp as the matcha green tea caramels. When I think of Tahitian vanilla, I think of ice cream and I was hoping for a softer palette, which is pretty much what I got. I like the chocolate and vanilla combo.

Peanut butter toffee (US): the toffee bit in the middle is covered in peanut butter chocolate and dusted with powdered sugar. Yum, just yum.

Martini olive almonds (US): I swear, you can mistake these for real olives. It's brilliant how they created this. White chocolate surrounds the almond and is simply divine.

Blood orange fruttini (Italy): This might be my favorite of the bunch. Not sure why because I'm a chocoholic! I swear! Rarely do I choose gummy and fruity over chocolate. I do like the blood orange flavor and it's rolled in Italian sugar crystals, so win-win!

Pumpkin pie caramels (US): The caramel flavor in this blends well with pumpkin flavor. It's not super sweet and I like that they infused cinnamon and nutmeg like a real pumpkin pie.

Key lime pie cookie bites (US): key lime pie can be sweet and tart just like these sugar cookie bites. They are dipped in white chocolate and infused with key lime.

Finally, the two candy samples that came with my bento box are champagne bubbles and heavenly sours (both look like gummy drops). I haven't tried them yet, but I promise to review once I do. They just look too cute to eat. They all do! And make no mistake, this stuff ain't cheap.

Goodbye sugar

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