
The Best Looking Menus in New York

A good friend of mine, Joanna C., emailed me during the holidays to show me a link that reminded her of me. She knows I am an avid collector of menus and was even an accessory to one of my collecting shenanigans. Haha-thank you, Joanna.

The link is of the Best Looking Menus in New York on Urban Daddy,  an online lifestyle website that features a best-of-the-best in major cities across the US. Upon glancing at the menus, many of them are cocktail menus and some feature food or both food and drinks, but I certainly haven't been to any of them nor even heard of many of these places. Places such as Nitecap, Genuine Liquorette, Isa, Pouring Ribbons and Fancy Nancy to name quite a few. I think my favorite menu is from Genuine Liquorette for its '70s style ad-like menu.

Genuine Liquorette
I would eventually like to visit some of the above mentioned places this year and maybe even collect some! Let's go, Joanna!

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