
Mandel Bread

Every year around this time we get a special package in the mail from Mark's mom. She sends holiday cards for her boys and home made mandel bread or "mandlebrodt"for Rosh Hashanah. It's a Jewish dessert that's shaped like a crescent moon made with flour and chocolate chips (or at least that's the way his mom makes them). It's delish! I look forward to them every year and I enjoy the annual dipping of the mandel bread in my fresh cup of coffee the next morning. I love it when small pieces break apart and drop down to the bottom of the cup for when I get to the last drop I can drink all the little pieces and savor the taste of the mandel bread. It's also nice because it adds a little flavor to the coffee too.

I haven't quite figured out the recipe, but it tastes like it's also got cinnamon and almonds in them too. I'm not quite sure. It reminds me of an Italian biscotti. For over the past 6-7 years (not exactly sure how long), I've never witnessed her making them or seen her recipe, so it's quite a mystery to me. I do enjoy them every bit though as much as I love her broccoli pie. We usually go through them all in a week.

L'Shanah Tovah!

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