

There are so many reasons why I love Elmo: they have good weekend brunches, the servers and restaurant staff are eye candy (both male and female) and its prices are fairly inexpensive. They also serve up the most basic dishes that are not too complicated or over the top and the cocktails are delicious! The food doesn't take long to be served (even for a large group) and the service is usually pretty good. I say "usually" because sometimes you can get a bitchy staff person that was out late the night before and is nursing a hangover while working. Seriously!

Elmo is usually my go-to place for weekend brunch after running races in Central Park or for taking out of town guests. Rarely do I ever go during the week for lunch or dinner, so I imagine the vibe is a little different during weekdays. I do pass by most days and usually notice the bar area pretty crowded after work during happy hour.

To end a wonderful weekend filled with birthday celebrations at the pre-Depeche Mode party at my apartment and attending the Depeche Mode concert at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, we went to Elmo for brunch before sending one of my guests back home to Boston. I had other guests over, but they left very early to fulfill other obligations. I, of course, would have loved all of us sitting around the table to rehash the evening and laugh at all the stories. For one, there were 2 almost fights during the concert, none of which any of us were a part of, but happening right in front and right behind us. Our gypsy car ride home was a little insane almost running down a pedestrian and driving so crazy fast, but we did manage to get home in one piece even though he didn't quite drop us off in front of the building.

I always seem to get the same dish at Elmo, but this time I opted for an egg white omelette with bacon and avocado. They forgot to include the avocado, but my head was so fuzzy that I neglected to mention it to anyone nor did I bother to see if they charged me extra. Had I not ordered the omelette, I would have ordered the breakfast burrito or the huevos rancheros, which I've had both and they are really good. I was happy that someone ordered the truffle fries because I love truffle fries. I love how thin and crispy they are and not salty or oily at all. I love how the tips of the fries still have the skin on them.

Since there was a total of 5 of us including me, it wasn't going to be hard to collect the menu, and since half our party was already there waiting for us at a table in the back (complete privacy), I knew I had this one in the bag-literally! I basically memorized my order then put my menu in my bag. What I like about this menu is the front cover design. It reminds me of Warhol's Campbell soup cans but with NY's iconic coffee cups. Elmo featured this same artist on the walls of the restaurant and on the back of the menu contained instructions on how to purchase them. I like that. What I also like on the back of the menu is that the heading they used in place for desserts. I think it's clever that replaced it with "Finally" instead of the traditional heading.

Finally... the menu.

Elmo: 156 7th Ave between 19th/20th
Chelsea, NYC


Mandel Bread

Every year around this time we get a special package in the mail from Mark's mom. She sends holiday cards for her boys and home made mandel bread or "mandlebrodt"for Rosh Hashanah. It's a Jewish dessert that's shaped like a crescent moon made with flour and chocolate chips (or at least that's the way his mom makes them). It's delish! I look forward to them every year and I enjoy the annual dipping of the mandel bread in my fresh cup of coffee the next morning. I love it when small pieces break apart and drop down to the bottom of the cup for when I get to the last drop I can drink all the little pieces and savor the taste of the mandel bread. It's also nice because it adds a little flavor to the coffee too.

I haven't quite figured out the recipe, but it tastes like it's also got cinnamon and almonds in them too. I'm not quite sure. It reminds me of an Italian biscotti. For over the past 6-7 years (not exactly sure how long), I've never witnessed her making them or seen her recipe, so it's quite a mystery to me. I do enjoy them every bit though as much as I love her broccoli pie. We usually go through them all in a week.

L'Shanah Tovah!