
Selamlique Istanbul

I am spoiled. When my honey travels he always brings me back exotic treats and souvenirs from the places he visits whether it's international or domestic. Before he leaves, I always remind him to bring back items we can't necessarily eat/get here in the U.S. It's more interesting that way, right? And when he returns, I always look forward to the unpacking and the presentation of the treats and souvenirs.

In May, he traveled to Istanbul, Turkey with his Cali BFF, who he travels with at least once a year. Thankfully, they returned back in time because the following week, riots and protests began in the streets of Istanbul right where they were staying. God was looking out. They've traveled to Buenos Aires, ArgentinaVancouver, CanadaJackson Hole, Wyoming, and countless other places.

He brought back a small box which had the words "Selamlique Istanbul" on the top and "Lavender - Lavanta" on the side. I assumed it was some kind of lavender candy, so I put it in the fridge. Sometimes we don't usually get to all the edibles right away, and if it clearly states, "must be eaten/used by expiration date" then we will eat them as soon as possible. With candies, I usually store them in the fridge and we eat them over time.

I don't know what in the world possessed me to wait a few months until opening the box. Imagine my surprise when I ate one of these delicious lavender treats. According to the website, it's a "delicate croquant stick covered in a variety of flavored chocolates", and in this case, lavender. Other flavors listed on the website include: rose, orange, mastic (I have no idea what flavor this is), cinnamon, blueberry and bergamot. I so want to try bergamot, rose and possibly mastic. Upon Googling "mastic", it is also known as Arabic gum, and I have no idea what that means or what that would even taste like. I also found out that "Selamlique" refers to men's living quarters in the Sultan's place, which I have no idea what that means either, but you know what? The candy is fabulous, and that I definitely do know.

The candy reminds me of a Heath toffee bar, but lavender flavored. You can see/taste traces of nuts embedded in the toffee covered in lavender chocolate. I've decided to take my time eating this delicious treat as I don't know if/when I'll ever get this again unless you are headed to Istanbul and will get it for me. Seriously! The website says it doesn't ship to the U.S. Phooey!

Lavender! I can't get enough of it. Lavender lotion, lavender bath salts, lavender mists, candles, tea and even lavender sorbet, which Mark has made a few times. I love the smell, the color, the taste and how therapeutic and soothing it can be. Just say the word "lavender" and my eyes open wider and I get curious and excited all at the same time.

Selamlique Istanbul: Website 

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